Form 16a is a TDS Certificate or an Evidence of Tax Deduction at Souce
Now, No requirement of Microsoft Office Excel
Any other data base programme.
No Macro Problem/Any other Warning
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Earlier it was created on excel base which contains some problem as macro etc. Now the problem has been resovled. Simply Word Pad programme will help you to create form 16A (TDS certificate) from fvu files. Which is easly available in all computers with windows xp. Now special efforts have been done on it.
Utility of This Software
- You will not have to spent extra time in generation of form 16a
- With in minimum period your forms 16a will be created
- Accuracy of forms based upon your uploaded Data
- There are options to change in Pan Numbers when you have uploaded pan with PANNOTAVBL.
- Two deductees should not have PANNOTAVBL. If there are you should change it as unique.
- For getting next/new screen you should press CTR+W .
Procedure of Installation:-
First of all you should install it in C:\ drive .
After that place fvu files in fvu folder= \e-tds\fvu\. Name of Fvu files should be Q1.fvu, Q2.fvu,Q3.fvu, Q4.fvu. If you have not Q4.fvu , You should rename available fvu file as Q4.fvu.
For example. You have only Q1.fvu file , then you should rename it as Q4.fvu. after that you will be able to create form 16a directly.
After clicking the 16a.exe file , The following screen will be displayed at your monitor.
Have You placed New Fvu files ="Y"
If option is "Y" then the following pictures will be displayed at your monitor otherwise 16a forms will be created with old data/old fvu files.
Do strictly as per given in pictures.

Click Save As Button as shown in Picture Number -1
picture 2

(File Name should be total.txt. Don't leave only file Name = total )
Now Change Save as type =Text Document-MS DOS Format as Picture-2

Now Click on Exit from the Word Pad as shown In Picture -3
At present your programme is minimized, Click on minimized e-tds or press CTR+enter to restore your programme.
Now a screen will be displaed having list of Pan Numbers = Pannotavbl, you will have to correct these numbers otherwise all pannotavbl will be grouped and will print as a single form 16a for all PANNOTAVBL.
Means if there are two deductee of Pannotavbl , form 16a for both deductee will be same.
After that you can save this with pressing CTRL+W or CTRL+end.
Now a next screen will be displayed for Tan Holder Data available in FVU file. If there are some corrections (Tan,Pan,Address,Name of Deductor,Designation, Place and date of Issue of form) , you can change it Here.
Now your forms are ready in output folder as Disp.prt file , you can print your forms directly in dot matric printer or with the help of MS word in Laster/Inket Printer.
for printing in laser/inket printer - open ms word and select file available in \e-tds\output\disp.prt and set margin as below
Top= 0 , Right = 0 and Bottom =0 and save
Now you can get it print in Laser/Inket printer.
(Nominal Service/Consultancy Charges will be charged on Yearly basis)
Single User/One Tan Holder =Free Software of 16a Generator
Through email at
Mode of Payment :- Advance Deposit in State bank of india, MDU Branch, Rohtak -124001, BSR Code 0004734 , Bank Account Number :- 10222170443 Named (Ritu Jain).
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